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Condy Anemone

(Condylactis gigantea)

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 Quick Care Facts

• Care Level: Moderate   • Temperament: Aggressive   • Maximum Size: 6"
• Diet: Carnivore   • Aquarium Level: All   • Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
 • Reef Compatible: Yes, With caution   • Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
• Supplements: Iodine, Trace elements   • Coloration: Brown, Tan, White, Green, Purple, Pink
• Origin: Western Atlantic • Family: Actiniidae   • Species: Anemones

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Native Habitat and Species Information

Condy Anemone native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility.

The Condy Anemone is found throughout the Caribbean and Western Atlantic, in shallow lagoons and in or around shallow reefs. The Condy Anemone can be found both singularly or in small dispersed groups. Due to their semi-aggressive nature they are never found tightly clustered together as they would sting anything that is too close to them self.

In the wild they can obtain a much larger size than is typically seen in an aquarium environment, upwards of 16" in the wild is common where as in the aquarium a size of approximately 6" is common. This species has many color variations, but they generally tend to be a brown to white base with magenta, purple or green tentacles. The tentacles will occasionally develop a bubble tip appearance. Like many anemones the Condy likes to bury it's base in the sand or rocky crevice for protection.

Aquarium Care

How to successfully keep Condy Anemone in the home aquarium.

Condy Anemones require very strong lighting and will not do well unless strong lighting is provided. Although the Condy Anemone requires a reef environment, it is not the best tankmate for more sensite reef inhabinants. The Condy Anemone is aggressive towards anything near itself and will sting any other organisms near itself.

The Condy Anemone will move around the aquarium and may sting other anemones and corals if it comes in contact with them. The sting is often fatal to other species of anemones and corals. The Condy Anemone does not typically have a relationship with any species of clownfish and is often preyed upon by Red-Legged Hermit Crabs, making this species a difficult fit for the average reef aquarium.

Feeding & Nutrition

How to feed and provide proper nutrition for Condy Anemone.

The Condy Anemone should be fed multiple weekly feedings every 2 to 3 day a mixture of chopped fish, mussels, shrimp and other meaty foods. The tentacles of the Condy Anemone will appear stringy when inadequate food is provided.

More Information

More Information for keeping Condy Anemone.

Varied medium water flow is required to enable the Condy Anemone to filter foodstuffs from the water column and to remove waste products from the anemone itself.

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